"Everyone has a story, and this one is mines"
I have experienced many hardships in my life that could have broken me and sent me six feet under, behind bars or in a mental institution! I have been molested ~in foster care ~ teen mom (14 years old) ~ talked about ~ put down ~abandoned ~ rejected~ betrayed ~told I would never be anybody but on welfare and another statistic. Experiencing the devastation of a divorce was the catapult that could have taken me over the edge.
Going through a divorce helped me realize that I really didn’t know myself outside of my marriage, children and career as a registered nurse. I was just existing to live and never living out my purpose. I had dreams and goals but they lay dormant deep inside. I lacked the ability to pour into myself for I thought that everyone else’s needs were more important than mine. I would start things but never seemed to finish and procrastination became my best friend. I lacked the confidence to know that I could do anything that I really put my MIND to. Due to limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and not feeling like I was enough I wasn’t really living, I was just existing.
The turning point was God used my 7 year old little girl to help give me hope. Going through a divorce, I felt like I didn’t have any life left in me from the grief of pain. One day my little girl said “Mommy let’s create a vision board”. It seems so far-fetched and I questioned how a vision board helps to relieve this soul wrenching pain that I was experiencing. Needless to say I did the vision board and my entire life changed for the better. The word of God says in Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Before creating my vision board I was perishing due to life's adversities and trauma that I went through. All I could see was pain, hurt and despair.
Today, I am now the creator of the “Prayer Vision Box” to help bring hope, vision and faith to women around the world to live out their dreams and manifest the life they desire to live. I am now a best-selling author, actress, transformational coach and teach women to reinvent themselves by building self-confidence, implement self-love and stop breaking promises to themselves and walk BOLDLY in their purpose.
God turned my pain into purpose, my sadness into strength and my dark places into my destiny. Now I am living out my life's purpose and became the woman God created me to be.
I will leave you with this quote “Everything that happened to you, happened for you”
I used to say “God why me” and now I say “God, why not me”
~ Ernetta Caldwell
The reason why I was staying stuck..........
Relationships continually broke my spirit.
I begin to hear all the voices of my past telling me that I would not be successful.
There were so many people that broken promises to me, I that I started breaking promises to myself.
I didn't think that I was enough.
on someone tell you that your are enough.
on someone to celebrate you.
on someone to tell you to live out your dreams.
on someone to approve the vision God has given you.
on someone to connect you to resources.
on someone to tell you to stop procrastinating.
on someone to believe in you.
on someone to fund your dreams.
on someone to confirm what God sees in you.
on someone to REDISCOVER YOU!
The person you are waiting on is YOU!
My life changed and transformed when I started to believe in myself. I had to regain the momentum to pushing towards my goals and dreams. I knew there were more to life than what I had experienced …
I now teach women to stop breaking promises to herself, accomplish her goals and transform her life to new levels.
For speaking engagements or to schedule a "Prayer Vision Box" Party contact my team at: